I did not have a religious upbringing and in adulthood have mostly ran a mile from anything religious. But the values you speak of are above any religious creed.

Kindness, compassion, gratitude, grace... I do try to live by them and to pass them on to my daughter.

I had never thought of trying to incorporate them in my pots. This is very interesting. Invitation accepted :)


Edit a few minutes later... I actually googled Beatitudes and these refer to different values from the ones I mention above. Still, thank you for the prompt :)

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I ran a mile and still run as I came out of a strict evangalical belife system about 20 years ago. So I for sure understand!

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I agree that the beatitude of mercy resonates for this time, in this place. I often think of grace in the space of mercy, though the difference is subtle.

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